Monday, April 16, 2012


"Love is the seed of all hope. It is the enticement to trust, to risk, to try, to go on." - Gloria Gaither

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


i've got to admit. 
i'm quite in love with uni life. 
and i'm pretty stoked to be scraping through the work and making my deadlines. just.

and now i'm sitting here, just plain stoked that i made all three of my hand-ins 
(that were oh so conveniently placed within 24 hours of another)
and it's Easter this weekend and i get a beautiful 2 weeks to recover. 

praise the sweet sweet Lord.

He does love us. 
Sometimes we just need to 
put everything else aside 
and bask in His glory, 
stare in adoration at His majesty.

haha how funny is it that when i start writing a blog, Jesus somehow makes a way into it.
He just must want some credit and mention.

Monday, April 2, 2012


spirit break out.

i cannot wait for the day - whether i get to be part of it in my time here on earth or i watch it take place from above - when the world erupts in praise with the name of Jesus on their lips, the Holy Spirit alive and breathing in their hearts and a mighty roar arises; unified and absolute faith will break out across the universe.

i am really pumped about heaven. it'll just be everything you want it to be. just a gazillion times better. but there's no reason why God would want to withhold all of Heaven's goodness from His people. to have a teeny tiny outpour of the beauty of Heaven daily is what i think God desires us to desire.

that makes me happy. 
Jesus, my family, friends, church, people i don't even know, whittaker's peanut flippin butter chocolate. they're all a tiny piece of Heaven. God wants us to want in on what is in the secret, the deep and hidden. i'll gladly take on that mission.