Monday, August 22, 2011


we had SEVENTY FIVE girls at Ablaze today.
and over TWENTY FIVE decisions for Christ.
what the heck.

like i can't even begin to understand and comprehend how it happened, but it did. it happened for real; in my school, through my best friends, by my mighty God. i'm so so so happy! life is so good, God is so good. aaaaah my heart is so full and happy, i just want more.

this generation is truly rising and a revival is totally taking place throughout NZ. i love this country and this city more than ever. looks likes i'll be around for a while...

my new favourites: the paper kites and elevation worship - these kids have voices to die for; like if i could marry someone's voice, it'd be this guy

I may be weak, but Your Spirit's strong in me; my flesh may fail, but my God You never will

Saturday, August 20, 2011

dora the explorer.

there's never been more of a time where i've felt like it's time to  

not necessarily like travel the world kind of get moving

but just a get up and  go  kind of get moving.

because when we

 no matter what the world may throw our way, we will hold tight to The Promise.
our purpose is in Him; we know He who holds us.
that means nothing can slow us down, nothing can separate us, nothing can get in the way of the hungry and desperate children in search of their Father
it's time to move forward, look ahead and advance.

TODAY is the day where we
take risks; dive head-first; take a leap of faith,
eyes shut tight, mind going crazy and hands hot and clammy
but with our eyes fixed upon The Goal,
with a New Dream humming away in our hearts,
we'll go exploring.